The Magnolia State
46 907 square miles (31)
Höchster Punkt:
Woodall Mountain, 806 feet
2 871 782 (31)
Jackson (180 881)
Größte Stadt:
Jackson (180 881)
Daten von:

Magnolia, aktuelle Ausgabe, PKW 2003

Magnolia, ältere Ausgabe, PKW 1998

Magnolia, ältere Ausgabe, Handicapped 1998

ältere Ausgabe, Mietwagen 1996

ältere Ausgabe, personalisiert (COGIC = Church of God in Christ), PKW 1993

The Hospitality State (Der gastfreundliche Staat), PKW 1981

Nascar, PKW 2003

Sunflower School, God bless America, PKW 2004

Conserving Wildlife, PKW 2003

Conserving Wildlife, PKW 2002

Conserving Wildlife, PKW 2005

Our Heritage (unser Erbe), PKW 2004

U.S. Armed Forces – 100% DAV, 2000

U.S. Armed Forces Retired – Army, 1999

Purple Heart

Pearl Harbor Survivor, PKW

100% DAV, 1998

U.S. Armed Forces Retired – National Guard, 1998

U.S. Armed Forces Retired – Air Force, 1998

National Guard

National Guard 1991

Antique Car
Links und mehr
Mississippi State Tax Commission
Motor Vehicle Licensing Bureau
1577 Springridge Rd.
Raymond, MS 39154-9602
P.O. Box 1140
Jackson, MS 39215-1140
Phone: (601) 923-7000
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Mississippi Gulf Coast – the Playground of the South
Mississippi Department of Economic and Community Development – Suchmaschine / Search Engine