

The Wolverine State

56 804 square miles (22)

Höchster Punkt:
Mount Arvon, 1 979 feet

10 050 446 (8)


Größte Stadt:
Detroit (925 051)

Daten von:


plateXchange - the internet platform for license plate collectors from all over the world



Great Lakes, ältere Ausgabe, PKW 1990
Great Lakes, ältere Ausgabe, PKW 1990

Motorrad 1989
Motorrad 1989

Great Lakes Splendor, PKW
Great Lakes Splendor, PKW

Great Lakes Splendor, Handicapped 1999
Great Lakes Splendor, Handicapped 1999

World's Motor Capital - American Automobile Centennial 1896-1996, PKW 1998
World’s Motor Capital – American Automobile Centennial 1896-1996, PKW 1998

Great Lake State, PKW 1979
Great Lake State, PKW 1979

PKW 1976
PKW 1976

Great Lake State, PKW 1971
Great Lake State, PKW 1971

Water-Winter Wonderland, PKW 1967
Water-Winter Wonderland, PKW 1967


Links und mehr

Michigan Motor Vehicle Administration
7064 Crowner Drive
Lansing, MI 48918

Michigan.gov – The State of Michigan

Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Michigan.org – Travel, Career, Business

Detroit Free Press

Detroit.com – Suchmaschine / Search Engine


4 thoughts on “Michigan”

    1. Hello, what do you mean? I have a COGIC plate from Mississippi but not from Michigan. I’m sure that both the plate and your comment refer to the Church of God in Christ.

        1. Mark, I really think this is the Church of God in Christ. I got a lot of hits on Google when I searched for COGIC. As I have not been to Mississippi and Michigan (yet), I cannot say if this COGIC is very popolar there. Also I cannot say if it is a sect or something more “normal” as I did not do any further research. ;-)

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