Land of Lincoln
Land Area:
55 584 square miles (24)
Highest Point:
Charles Mound, 1 235 feet
12 600 620 (5)
Largest City:
Chicago (2 886 251)
Data as of:
License plates

Land of Lincoln, aktuelle Ausgabe, Passenger 2003

Prevent Violence, Passenger 2001

Environmental Plate, Passenger

Land of Lincoln, older issue, Passenger 1994

Land of Lincoln, older issue, Light Truck 1993

Armed Forces Reserves

Mid America Plate Association, 20th Anniversary 1972-1992, Aug 29-30 1992

Land of Lincoln, Dealer 1994

Land of Lincoln, Truck (28001-32000 lbs) 1993

Land of Lincoln, Full Trailer 1993

Land of Lincoln, Semi Trailer 1993

Land of Lincoln, Permanent Equipment 1992

Land of Lincoln, Charitable Vehicle 1988/1989

Land of Lincoln, older issue, Passenger 1984

Land of Lincoln 1776-1976

Land of Lincoln 1955

1943, plate made of soybean paper
Links and more
CyberDrive Illinois
Jesse White
213 State Capitol
Springfield, IL 62706
Call toll-free within Illinois: 1-(800) 252-8980
TDD / TTY: 1-(888) 261-5112
Guide to Illinois License Plates – Vanity & Personalized, Environmental, Violence Prevention, Collegiate, Military, Sporting Series etc.
Illinois Organ Donor License Plate
New Illinois License Plate starting in 2001
CyberDrive Illinois – Main page
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Enjoy Illinois – Bureau of Tourism – Convention and Tourism Bureau – Suchmaschine / Search Engine
Dear Mr. Sebald,
I am a license plate collector and member of ALPCA (Automobile License Plate Collectors Association), a worldwide organization based in the US. They publish a magazine called PLATES and I have written an article which they are going to publish in October. I would like permission to use an image from your website–it is the Illinois Prevent Violence plate, serial 69792PV. Please let me know ASAP if this is okay with you. The website for ALPCA is
Scott A. Giorgianni
Dear Mr. Giorgianni,
yes, you can use our image. :-)
I will write you an email with the details.
Martin Sebald