

The Natural State

Land Area:
52 068 square miles (27)

Highest Point:
Magazine Mountain, 2 753 feet

2 710 079 (33)

Little Rock (184 055)

Largest City:
Little Rock (184 055)

Data as of:


plateXchange - the internet platform for license plate collectors from all over the world


License plates

The Natural State, current issue, Passenger 2004
The Natural State, current issue, Passenger 2004

Disabled, current issue, Passenger 1999
Disabled, current issue, Passenger 1999

Firefighter 1996
Firefighter 1996

Ambulance/Hearse 1996
Ambulance/Hearse 1996

The Natural State, older issue, Passenger 1997
The Natural State, older issue, Passenger 1997

Truck 1993
Truck 1993

Land of Opportunity, older issue, Passenger 1988
Land of Opportunity, older issue, Passenger 1988


Links and more

Arkansas Motor Vehicle Division
P.O. Box 1272
Little Rock, AR 72203

Special License Plates and Handicapped Placards The State of Arkansas

Arkansas State Parks

Arkansas – Vacation in The Natural State


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