Default Theme gettext-Edition

Starting with version 2.6 the default theme of WordPress is multilanguage capable. So the theme I am presenting here is useful just for WordPress versions below 2.6.


If you want to host a multilanguage WordPress website the theme must be gettexted.

The default theme isn’t available as a gettext edition anymore so you can download my version here. The reconstruction of this website and the request for a multilangual site in German and English language I had to do the gettext job on the default theme.

  WordPress Default gettext-Edition 1.0 (54.4 KiB, 3,391 Hits)

I provide a German language file with the plugin so the available languages are English and German. I would love to add additional languages created by you to the theme, see attached .pot file.

If you also want to have (optional) multilangual posts and pages I suggest the WordPress plugin Polyglot. For German language you need an additional file with the content of in the theme directory (a symlink also works). The German locale in Polyglot isn’t de_DE but de. You’ll also experience this effect for other languages as well.