Quake 3 Arena

What can I tell you? Quake 3 Arena is THE game. On this page you’ll find just some links and information. You’ll have to experience the rest by yourself.

My config files

  q3config.cfg für baseq3 (4.0 KiB, 3,528 Hits)

  q3config.cfg für arena (4.4 KiB, 3,331 Hits)

  q3config.cfg für osp (4.1 KiB, 3,297 Hits)

At this point I don’t want to forget the gameservers of the clan, where I learned about Quake and where I’m still thrilled to be. Here the addresses:

ConCarne‘s Quake 3 Arena – Rocket Arena:

ConCarne‘s Quake 3 Arena – OSP:





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