It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll…

It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll...

It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll… 🤘🍻🤘
AC⚡DC äh Tribute Band Barock am Freitag Abend im LKA Longhorn in Stuttgart-Wangen. Mega, mindestens so gut wie das Original. 🤘🤘🤘
#barock #acdc #tribute #hardrock #longhorn #lka #lkalonghorn #tributeband #barock.acdc @barock.acdc @eugentorscher @acdc @lka_longhorn #lka_longhorn #eugentorscher #angus #angusyoung #itsalongwaytothetop #itsalongwaytothetopifyouwannarocknroll #hellsbells #highwaytohell #thunderstruck #tnt #Stuttgart #livemusik #hardnheavy #metal #rockband #eveningwithfriends #nightout #havingagoodtime #nofilter @max_666

Erstellt in LKA Longhorn

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